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Committee on Foreign Affairs

The Issue of International conflict

The question of the EU's involvement in international conflict. With a conflict-ridden world, should the EU enforce its peacekeeping role? How can we promote international cooperation and the protection of human rights?



Committee on Culture and Education 

The issue of higher education programs 

How can European Higher Education programmes contribute to a more culturally and economically interconnected Europe? What steps can the EU take to protect lifelong-learning programmes, such as libraries and museums? How can the EU approach the problem that certain higher education institutions throughout Europe are deemed not affordable by many EU citizens?



Committee on Development

The issue of a post-ISIS Syria

The question of development in post-ISIS Syria. Now that there is a worldwide consensus that ISIS, a critical actor in the Syria crisis, has been defeated, what approach should the European Union take towards aiding the country's development and rebuilding without compromising national sovereignty? What can the European Union do to help create stability? How can the European Union promote democratic values, good governance and human rights in Syria in the aftermath of the ISIS-era?



Committee on Human Rights

The issue of anti-muslim laws 

The question of anti-muslim laws being enforced in certain European nations. In a world where terrorism is associated with Islam and the media demonizes Muslims, should we keep enforcing anti-muslim laws or are they justified? Will these laws actually work or will they make things worse? 


Can outlawing the niqab be justified taking religious freedom, female equality, secular traditions and fears about terrorism into account? 


What stand should the European Union take in this probing debate? 



Committee on Economy and Monetary Affairs

The issue of wage difference 

How is the EU going to deal with the wage-differences between equally long studies? How can the EU solve the problem of wage inequalities between equally challenging professions? How can the EU take steps towards bettering the "reputation" of studies that will be much needed in the future, to ensure that youth apply?



Committee on Security and Defense 

The issue of the EU and their response to international crises

The relationship between the EU and the Russian Federation has been tense since the latter’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014. In what ways can the EU secure its citizens against the threat posed by Russian interference in this region? How do we prevent current tension from escalating further, and encourage dialogue between the two parties?

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